Sunday 12 July 2015


The hijab isn't just a piece of cloth that we wear. Now a days, some ignorant people, thinking hijab is something strange, just choose to stare. But, to be honest, Islam began as something strange and will continue to be, so we will walk proudly and modestly acting like we don't care. They may never have seen a women that's so precious, because to them it's very rare.

It's sad that some don't see or understand the hijab's beauty. Sisters need to know the reason we wear it. Allah SWT told us to cover, so it's our duty. The real hijab is not just to cover your hair. No, it's from head to toe, so men don't see the shape of our figure... Yep, including booty (lol) so save your beauty for your habibi a.k.a. your hubby :) Seriously, sometimes some don't know and think hijabis are oppressed. But actually, Allah protected us by the way we dress. Remember, sisters, we don't do this for the sake of the creation, it's only Allah that we should seek to impress. Whether or not you choose to obey the command given is the part of the test.

Islam gives women a high status, we are liberated, we have many rights and are seen as queens. MasyaAllah, there are some muslimahs who are independent and sophisticated. We shouldn't be seen as just objects to look at, so sisters stay covered and replace those skinny/tight jeans.

I know it's hard sometimes, especially living in the west. But Allah will reward us In shaa Allah, so just try your best. Make du'a, as the Ar-Rahman (Most Merciful) to help you pass this test.  Remember, the final destination, JANNAH, where we all want to rest.


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