Friday, 27 November 2015



It's never easy to stand when the storm hits. As soon as it starts raining, lightening shortly follows. Dark clouds replace the sun and all you can see are the waves of an ocean, once calm, surrounding you. No longer able to find your way, you reach out for help.

You begin by calling the coast guard. No reply. You try again to redirect the boat. No use. You look for the lifeboat. It's gone. You reach for a life jacket. Torn. Finally after you've exhausted every means, you turn your face upward. 

And ask God.

However, there's something completely unique about this moment. At this instant, you experience something you otherwise could only theorize about: true tawheed. Oneness. See, on shore, you may have called on God. But you called on Him along with so many others. You may have depended on God. But you depended on Him along with so many other handholds. But for this singular moment, everything else is closed. Everything. There is nothing left to call on. Nothing left to depend on. But Him.

And that's the point.

Do you ever wonder why when you're most in need, every door you seek of the creation remains closed? You knock on one, but it's slammed shut. So you go to another. It's also shut. You go from door to door, knocking, pounding in each one, but nothing opens. And even those doors you had once depended on, suddenly shut. Why? Why does that happen?

See, we humans have certain qualities which God knows well. We are constantly in a state of need. We are weak. But, we are also hasty and impatient. When we are in trouble, we will be pushed to seek assistance. And that's the design. Why would we seek shelter if it's sunny and the weather is nice? When does one seek refuge? It is when the storm hits. So Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala (exlated is He) sends the storm; He makes the need through a created situation, so that we will be driven to seek shelter.

But when we do seek assistance, because of our impatience, we seek it in what is near and what seems easy. We seek it in what we can see and hear and touch. We look for shortcuts. We seek help in the creation, including our own selves. We look for help in what seems closest. And isn't that exactly what dunya (worldly life) is? What seems near. The word 'dunya' itself means 'that which is lower'. Dunya is what seems closed. But, this is only an illusion.

There is something closer.

Think for a moment about what's nearest to you. If asked this question, many would say it is the heart and the self that are nearest. But, Allah (SWT) says:
"It was We Who created man, and We know what dark suggestions his nafs (self) makes to him: for We are nearer to him that (his) jugular vein." (Qur'an, 50:16)

In this verse, Allah (SWT) begins by showing us that He knows our struggles. There is comfort in knowing that someone sees our struggles. He knows what our own self calls us to. But He is closer. He is closer than our own self and what it calls for. He is closer than our jugular vein. Why the jugular? What is so striking about this part of us? The jugular vein is the most important vein that brings blood to the heart. If severed, we die almost immediately. It is literally our lifeline. But Allah (SWT) is closer. Allah (SWT) is closer than our own life, than our own Self, than our own nafs. And He is closer than the most important pathway to our heart.

In another verse, Allah (SWT) says:
"O ye who believe! Give your response to Allah and His Messenger, when He calleth you to that which will give you life; and know that Allah cometh in between a man and his heart, and that it is He to Whom ye shall (all) be gathered." (Qur'an, 8:24)

Allah (SWT) knows we have a nafs. Allah knows we have a heart. Allah knows that these things drive us. However Allah tells us that He is closer to us than even these. So when we reach for other than Him, we are not only reaching for what is weaker, we are also reaching past what is closer, for what is further and more distant. Subahan Allah (Glory to be God).

So since this is our nature, as Allah (SWT) knows best, He protects and redirects us by keeping all other doors of refuge closed during the storm. He knows that behind each false door is a drop. And if we enter it, we will fall. In His mercy, He keeps those false doors closed.

In His mercy, He sent the storm itself to make us seek help. And then knowing that we're likely to get the wrong answer, He gives us a multiple choice exam with only one option to choose from: the correct answer. The hardship itself is ease. By taking away all other hand-holds, all other multiple choice options, He has made the test simple.

It's never easy to stand when the storm hits. And that's exactly the point. By sending the wind, He brings us to our knees: the perfect position to pray.




Tuah ayam nampak di kaki, tuah manusia Allah yang tahu. Untung sambut timbul, untung batu tenggelam. Namun Rabiah tidak kisah itu semua, apa yang penting pada dirinya adalah cinta pada Allah yang menapak di sanubari halusnya tidak dicabut pergi daripada dirinya. Dia tidak mahu sedar daripada kemabukan, kerinduan dan kecintaannya kepada Allah.

     Nasib dirinya yang baik mahupun buruk diserahkan semata-mata kepada Allah.

     Selepas membeli Rabiah dengan harga enamd dirham, lelaki gemuk itu membawa Rabiah pulang, dia lantas bersuara dengan lantang sekali, "Isteriku, saya belikan juwairiah sebagai hadiah kepadamu. Mulai hari ini kamu tidak perlu membuat kerja-kerja rumah lagi. Semua kerja rumah, serahkan sahaja kepada juwairiah."

     Seorang wanita keluar mendapatkan lelaki gemuk itu lalu menyinggahkan kepalanya pada bahu suaminya lalu berkata, "Terima kasih suamiku kerana menyayangi saya."

     Mendengarkan pujian isterinya, lelaki gemuk itu tersenyum puas.

     "Siapa namamu?" Si isteri mula bertanya.

     "Rabiah," jawab Rabiah dengan air muka yang sentiasa tenang.

     Mereka terkejut dan kehairanan lalu terus bertanya, "Apakah namamu hanya Rabiah?"

     "Benar puan," jawab Rabiah.

     Mereka kemudian berpandang sesama mereka sambil membuntangkan mata dengan mulut yang terlopong luas, kemudian berderailah hilai tawa mereka bersama hingga terkekek-kekek di hujungnya.

     Entah apa yang dilucukan, Rabiah tidak mengendahkan mereka. Hatinya hanya tertumpu kepada Allah walaupun jasadnya terpacak di rumah itu.

     Selepas melepaskan hilai tawa, si isteri itu pun bersuara dengan muka yang berlagak bengis, "Baiklah, mulai hari kamu adalah hamba kami. Semua kerja di dalam rumah ini menjadi tugas kamu dan perlu diselesaikan. Jangan buat sesuatu sekiranya tidak diarah dan sekiranya kamu mahu membuat sesuatu, kamu perlu mendapatkan keizinan daripada kami terlebih dahulu."

     Selepas beberapa lama bekerja di rumah lelaki gemuk itu dan isterinya, ternyata Allah sudah menetapkan Rabiah menerima ujian yang hebat. Kedua-dua tuannya itu tidak lain hanya berhias dengan sifat-sifat buruk yang keji lagi tercela. Rabiah menjadi mangsa kepada manusia yang fakir iman dan akhlak itu.

     "Saya kasihakan juwairiah di rumah itu kerana dia dilayan bagaikan binatang oleh tuannya. Entah makan dan minumnya diberi ataupun tidak," kata seorang juwairiah kepada jiran tuan Rabiah, ketika bertemu sesama mereka.

     "Saya juga perasan. Badannya amat kurus seakan sebulan tidak menjamah makanan, malah kadang-kadang terdapat kesan lebam pada mukanya." Jiran yang lain pula menambah.

     "Saya kerap juga bertemu dengannya di pasar. Orangnya manis, malah wajahnya sangat bersih dan terpancar nur yang mendamaikan. Selayaknya dia itu menjadi anak dan bukannya hamba," tambah seorang lagi.

     "Tetapi tuan kepada juwairiah itu bagaikan binatang, isteri dan suami sama sahaja kejamnya."

     "Bagaimana kamu tahu? Jangan sembarangan berkata kerana boleh membawa fitnah."

     "Pernah saya terlihat dia menendang dan menampar juwairiah itu meskipun kerana hal yang kecil. Ia berlaku di hadapan mata saya sendiri. Apabila ada yang hendak menolong, mereka suami isteri pasti menghalang."

     "Ikutkan hati, mahu juga membantu, namun apakan daya kerana kita juga juwairiah. Semoga Allah melindungi dirinya."

     "Semoga Allah memberi hidayah kepada tuan juwairiah itu supaya bersikap lebih baik kepadanya."

     Di rumah itu, Rabiah membuat kerja-kerjanya tanpa rasa menyesal mahupun merungut. Dia tahu yang ujian ini hanya sementara. Ujian Allah kepada nabi-nabi dan rasul-rasul terdahulu lebih hebat berbanding apa yang dialaminya sekarang.

     Kisah-kisah daripada Quran dan hadis menjadi motivasi kepada dirinya. Mulutnya sentiasa berkumat-kamit mengucapkan untaian zikir kepada Tuhan. Hatinya sentiasa dibulatkan kepada Sang Pencipta. Seluruh darah dan detik nadi hanya mengalir juga berdenyut pada rasa ingat, rindu dan cinta kepada Allah.

     Rabiah selalu bersyair dalam munajatnya yang berbunyi,

     "Tuhan, aku adalah si miskin yang terdampar,
     Diseksa dan dihina malah dipukul,
     Diriku dibelenggu oleh perhambaan,
     Nilai kemerdekaan yang Engkau kurniakan sudah diragut,
     Aku juga menampung segala derita,
     Aku tetap sabar menerima dan menahannya,
     Namun, sekiranya singgah lagi ujian derita,
     Yang menodai jiwa dan menipiskan kesabaranku,
     Yang lebih perit deritanya daripada apa yang mampu ditanggung,
     Ia merobek dan menghancur luhurkan batinku,
     Ikhlas dan sabarku senipis salju.
     Tuhanku, gerangan apakah kebimbangan ini?
     Akan berubahkah pandanganMu kepada diriku?"

     Itulah kemabukan cinta yang paling agung, dan orang yang layak merasainya adalah Rabiah al-Adawiyah.

     Di pondok usang tinggalan Ismail al-Adawiy, saban hari kedengaran suara wanita-wanita menangis. Jiran-jiran juga sedia maklum yang mereka menghadapi ujian dan cabaran hidup yang bertimpa-timpa tanpa putus.

     Jiran-jiran sering datang menziarahi mereka, namun tidak ada apa yang boleh dibantu, melainkan meminta terus bersabar dan reda di atas kehilangan adik kesayangan mereka itu.

     "Sabarlah anak-anakku, janganlah kalian bersedih lagi. Sesungguhnya kesedihan itu tidak sekalipun boleh mengubah kenyataan yang berlaku," nasihat Mak Cik Humaia.

     "Sabar dan berdoalah kepada Allah dan yakinlah ada hikmah yang besar untuk diri kamu dan adikmu di atas kejadian ini." Suami Mak Cik Humaira, Hassan cuba memujuk anak-anak gadis yang kehilangan adik bongsu mereka, Rabiah.

     "Kami rasa sungguh menyesal kerana mengkhianati amanah ibu dan ayah kami. Mereka mengamanahkan kami menjaga Rabiah dengan baik. Namun kami...." Kata-kata kakak sulung Rabiah terhenti di situ, ada getar di hujungnya beriringan dengan tangis hiba.

     Dia berasa sangat bersalah kepada kedua-dua orang tuanya.

     "Entah apakah nasib adik kami itu. Mati ataupun hidupkah dia? Makan dan minumnya bagaimana? Sekiranya dirogol dan dibunuh pula bagaimana? Sekiranya diculik dan dijadikan hamba pula bagaimana?" Dalam tangis, kakak Rabiah berbicara.

     Kakak kedua Rabiah sedikit tenang. "Memang benar kita sedih, tetapi amat tidak wajar kita salahkan diri mahupun takdir. Ia seolah-olah kita menyalahkan Allah. Rabiah, ibu dan ayah pasti tidak bersetuju dengan cara kita."

     Dia kemudian menyambung, "Rabiah itu istimewa orangnya, saya yakin Allah sentiasa menjaganya. Bukankah Rabiah itu cintanya hanya kepada Allah, nescaya Allah menjaganya daripada segala kecelakaan, insya-Allah."

     Pak Cik Hassan yang berada di situ turut mengangguk setuju. "Pak cik juga beranggapan begitu. Beginilah, nanti pakcik tanyakan kawan-kawan di kota supaya tengok-tengokkan adik kamu itu."

     Kelihatan ada sedikit senyum harapan daripada ketiga-tiga kakak Rabiah selepas mendengar kata-kata Pak Cik Hassan.

     "Kami mohon, cukuplah sekiranya kami dapat tahu bagaimana keadaan dirinya," kata kakak yang sulung.

     Rabiah juga sebenarnya amat risau keadaan kakak-kakaknya. Apabila gundah melanda, dia menitiskan air mata duka. Walau sehebat mana dia mabuk dalam cintanya kepada Allah, dia tetap seorang manusia yang punya rasa sedih. Apatah lagi apabila dipisahkan dengan adik-beradiknya yang lain.

     Cuma yang membezakan Rabiah, adalah kecintaannya kepada Allah yang mengatasi segala-galanya. Bahkan rasa sedih dan pilu di atas perpisahan dengan kakak-kakaknya dapat diatasi dengan bermunajat dan berzikir kepada Allah.

     Rabiah juga sangat bermotivasi apabila dia mengaitkan dirinya dengan perisitwa Rasulullah ke Thaif demi misi dakwah. Beliau direjam dengan batu-batu sehingga luka-luka pada seluruh badan.

     Saat tumit Rasulullah berdarah, beliau berdoa yang bermaksud, "Wahai Tuhanku, selagi mana murkamu tiada pada diriku, maka tidak kupeduli segala ujian dan derita ini kerana kelak aku tahu pertolongan lebih luas lagi untukku. Aku bernaung di bawah nur daripada-Mu yang bersinar terang menyinari tujuh petala langit dan sisi yang gelap. Aku memohon perlindungan daripada murka dan benci-Mu kepada diriku, namun engkaulah yang selayaknya murka, dan padaku tiada daya serta upaya bahkan tiada jua kekuatan melainkan ihsan daripada-Mu."

     Lalu Rabiah pun bermunajat kepada Kekasihnya, "Ya Allah, aku tidak kisah sekiranya seumur hidupku ini digelar hamba sahaya kerana tetap jua aku ini hamba kepada-Mu. Aku juga tidak kisah sekiranya tidak lagi bertemu dengan adik-beradikku kerana tetap jua nanti kami berpisah dalam rela ataupun paksa. Namun aku tidak reda sepanjang hidupku diabdikan untuk makhluk-Mu, aku tidak sanggup waktuku dihabiskan untuk hal dunia yang tentunya tidak kekal. Aku mohon peruntukan waktu hidupku demi keabdian diriku kepada-Mu."

     Rabiah menyambung lagi butiran doa munajatnya itu. Sambil berteleku di hamparan sujud, dia terus mengangkat lalu menadah kedua-dua tangan sambil air mata laju menelusuri pipinya yang cengkungnya itu. "Aku hanya hampa kerana kesibukan melayan keperluan dan arahan makhluk yang sama sahaja sepertiku, aku hampir bazirkan lebih daripada separuh hariku. Alangkah indah dan manis sekiranya waktu-waktuku dihabiskan bersama dengan-Mu, ya Allah. Harinya akan tiba, akanku peruntukkan waktu hanya untuk-Mu."

     Tanpa disedari, munajat Rabiah sebenarnya sangat dekat dengan Allah. Maka tidak hairanlah banyak peristiwa aneh yang berlaku kepada selepas itu. Kehidupan Rabiah juga mula berubah.


Friday, 13 November 2015



"Note: This article is assuming a minimal level of mutual respect between spouse. By no means, should be the concept of respect mean condoning abuse (physical, emotional or physiological). It is not sabr (patience) to accept abuse against yourself or your family. Allah (swt) says He does not approve of injustice. And neither should we."

"And among His signs is that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between you; verily, in that are signs for people who reflect." (Qur'an, 30:21)

We've all read this verse on countless marriage announcements. But how many have actualized it? How many of our marriages really embody that love and mercy described by Allah? What is going wrong when so many of our marriages are ending in divorce?

According to Dr. Emerson Eggerichs, author of Love & Respect: The Love She Most Desires; The Respect He Desperately Needs, the answer is simple. In his book, Eggerichs explains that extensive research has found that a man's primary need is for respect, while a woman's primary need is for love. He describes what he calls the "crazy cycle"---the pattern of argumentation that results when the wife does not show respect and the husband does not show love. He explains how the two reinforce and cause one another. In other words, when a wife feels that her husband is acting unloving, she often reacts with disrespect, which in turn makes the husband act even more unloving.

Eggerichs argues that the solution to the "crazy cycle" is for the wife to show unconditional respect to her husband and for the husband to show unconditional love to his wife. This means that a wife should not say that first her husband must be loving, before she will show him respect. By doing so, she will only bring about more unloving behavior. And a husband should not say that first his wife must be respectful before he will show her love. By doing so, he will only bring about more disrespectful behavior. The two must be unconditional.

When I reflected on this concept, I realized that looking at the Qur'an and prophetic wisdom, there are no two concepts more stressed with regards to the marital relationship.

To men, the Prophet (SAW) said,
"Take good care of women, for they were created from a bent rib, and the most curved part of it is its top; if you try to straighten it, you will break it, and if you leave it, it will remain arched, so take good care of women." (Bukhari & Muslim)

He has further stressed: "The most perfect believer in the matter of faith is one who has excellent behavior; and the best among you are those who behave best towards their wives." (Al-Tirmidhi)

The Prophet (SAW) has also said, "A believing man should not hate a believing woman; if he dislikes one of her characteristics, he will be pleased with another." (Muslim)

Allah says:
"...Live with them in kindness. For if you dislike them---perhaps you dislike a thing and Allah makes therein much good." (Qur'an, 4:19)

In these jewels of wisdom, men are urged to be kind and loving towards their wives. Moreover, they are urged to overlook their wife's faults when showing that kindness and love.

On the other hand, when addressing the wife, the focus is different. Why are women not told again and again to be kind and loving towards their husbands? Perhaps it is because unconditional love already comes naturally to women. Few men complain that their wives do not love them. But many complain that their wives do not respect them. And it is this sentiment which is most stressed in the Qur'an and sunnah, with regards to wives.

Respect can be manifest in a number of ways. One of the most important ways to show respect is the respect of one's wishes. When someone says, "I respect your advice," they mean "I will follow your advice." Respecting a leader, means doing what they say. Respecting our parents means not going against their wishes. And respecting one's husband means respecting his wishes. The Prophet (SAW) has said: "When any woman prays her five, fasts her month, guards her body and obeys her husband, it is said to her: 'Enter paradise from whichever of its doors you wish." [At-Tirmidhi]

Why are we as women told to respect and follow the wishes of our husbands? It is because men are given an extra degree of responsibility. Allah says: "Men are the protectors and maintainers [qawwamun] of women, because Allah has given the one more [strength] than the other, and because they support them from their means...." (Qur'an, 4:34)

But won't this unconditional respect towards one's husband put us, as women, in a weak, submissive position? Won't we set ourselves up to be taken advantage of and abused? Quite the contrary. The Qur'an, the prophetic example, and even contemporary research have proven the exact opposite. The more respect a woman shows her husband, the more love and kindness he will show her. And in fact, the more disrespect she shows, the harsher and unloving he becomes.

Similarly, akan many question why he should show kindness and love towards even a disrespectful wife. To answer this question, one only needs to look at the example of Omar Ibn ul-Khattab. When a man came to Omar (who was Khalifah at the time) to complain of his wife, he heard Omar's own wife yelling at him. While the man turned to leave, Omar called him back. The man told Omar that he had come to complain of the same problem that Omar himself had. To this Omar replied that his wife tolerated him, washed his clothes, cleaned his home, made him comfortable, and took care of his children. if she did all of this for him, how could he not tolerate her when she raised her voice?

This story provides a beautiful example for all of us---not for the men. This story is a priceless illustration of tolerance and patience, which is essential for any successful marriage. Moreover, consider the reward in the hereafter for those who show patience: Allah says, "Only those who are patient shall receive their reward in full without reckoning (or measure)." (Qur'an, 39:10)




Gejala penculikan semakin berleluasa di Basrah. Kegiatan itu didalangi oleh sindiket culik yang profesional. Mereka yang diculik dijual sebagai hamba di luar kota Basrah. Pada saat bencana kemarau yang belum surai, perniagaan hamba menjadi sumber ekonomi yang menguntungkan kerana permintaan hamba yang tinggi dari luar Basrah.

     "Kita mesti mengubah cara kita," kata ketua sindiket culik itu kepada anak-amak buahnya sambil mengusap-usap perut buncitnya. "Permintaan dari luar kota semakin meningkat dan amat rugi sekiranya kita tidak mampu bekalkan hamba-hamba itu. Kebanyakan mereka pula amat berminat membeli hamba kanak-kanak."

     "Sekiranya begitu kita beli sahaja anak-anak penduduk Basrah yang miskin. Saya pasti mereka menjualnya dengan harga yang murah kerana tidak mampu lagi menyara anak mereka. Sejak kemarau melanda, mereka sudah menjadi semakin terdesak dan sanggup melakukan apa sahaja." Orang kanan ketua sindiket memberi cadangan kepada ketua mereka.

     "Bagus cadangan kamu, tetapi bukankah rugi sekiranya kita membeli? Ia masih memerlukan modal dan risikonya juga tinggi. Kita bawa hamba-hamba itu jauh merentasi padang pasir sebelum dijual. Sekiranya ada yang mati ataupun sakit, kita yang rugi," kata ketua mereka pula.

     Dengan pantas seorang anak buah ketua sindiket itu bangun lalu berkata dengan nyaring, "Saya faham maksud ketua, buat apa kita susah-susah membeli mereka. Kita hanya perlu menculik mereka sahaja. Tiada sebarang modal dan risiko rugi juga rendah. Walaupun penduduk Basrah sekarang terdesak, saya fikir hanya segelintir sahaja yang sanggup menjual anak mereka."

     Ketua sindiket penculikan merangkap saudagar hamba itu tersenyum sinis mendengar kata-kata anak buahnya. "Tidakku sangka kamu begitu pintar. Alang-alang sudah jahat, biar jadi betul-betul kelat."

     Mereka kemudiannya ketawa berdekah-dekah sambil di tangan masing-masing memegang botol arak. Mereka terus tenggelam dalam lautan kemabukan ciptaan mereka sendiri.

     Suatu petang yang panas terik, Rabiah sedang berjalan seorang diri menelusuri lorong-lorong di kota Basrah. Namun hatinya berdebar-debar, seakan-akan mendapat petanda ada perkara buruk bakal berlaku.

     Rabiah hanya mampu berdoa dalam hati, sambil kakinya melangkah laju. "Ya Allah, musibah apakah yang bakal diuji kepadaku kali ini? Sekiranya ujian ini adalah bagi menunjukkan kasih-Mu kepadaku, aku reda."

     Tiba-tiba penglihatan Rabiah gelap. Dia merasakan satu hentakan kuat pada kepalanya. Tiada apa yang mampu dilakukan melainkan reda dengan kehendak Allah.

     Penglihatan Rabiah masih kabur dan sakit akibat hentakan masih terasa. Dia terdengar perbualan beberapa lelaki.

     "Berapa orang yang kita dapat pada hari ini?" tanya satu suara garau ketua sindiket culik itu.

     "Termasuk budak perempuan yang kurus kering ini ada sembilan orang," ujar anak buahnya. Dia merasakan dirinya sudah menjalankan tugas dengan cemerlang pada hari itu.

     Tanpa diduga, ketua sindiket penculikan itu tiba-tiba menampar kedua-dua orang anak buahnya. "Nampaknya kamu berdua memang bodoh! Apakah kamu tidak tahu budak perempuan ini tidak menguntungkan kita?"

     Mereka berdua hanya membatukan diri.

     "Sekarang bawa semua hamba ini dan jual. Dapatkan bidaan yang tertinggi," kata ketua mereka sambil berlalu pergi.

     Mereka kemudian menyalahkan diri masing-masing. Penculik pertama menyalahkan rakannya. Sambil menenyehkan kepala rakannya dia berkata, "Disebabkan kau, tuan marahkan kita. Bukan sudah kukatakan tadi, budak ini tidak bernilai. Lihat sahaja keadaan dirinya yang kurus melidi ini, tentu tidak laku dijual."

     Penculik yang kedua menepis tangan rakannya lalu menengking, "Lebih baik ada daripada tiada langsung. Mustahil tuan kita benarkan kita hidup lagi sekiranya pulang tanpa hasil."

     Penculik pertama baru teringat rakan mereka yang terus sahaja dibunuh semalam oleh ketua mereka, sejurus menyatakan dia tidak sanggup menculik kanak-kanak bagi dijadikan hamba. "Sekiranya begitu, mari kita ke pasar bagi melelong budak-budak ini."

     "Mengapa kamu tersenyum, wahai budak?" Sergah penculik tadi apabila melihat Rabiah tersenyum sendirian ketika sesi lelongan berlaku. Dia tidak senang melihat Rabiah begitu. Disebabkan Rabiah juga, dia dihadiahkan penampar oleh ketuanya.

     "Saya bahagia sekali," jawab Rabiah ringkas.

     "Apakah menjadi hamba abdi membuatmu bahagia?" Lembut sedikit suara lelaki itu.

     "Ini adalah ujian daripada Allah dan saya reda. Saya yakin ini adalah caranya Allah menunjukkan kasih sayangnya kepada saya." Rabiah menerangkan. Wajahnya sentiasa tenang walaupun kemerdekaannya baru sahaja diragut.

     Lelaki penculik itu mula tersedar, budak perempuan yang kurus kering di hadapannya bukan sebarang budak lantas dia memohon maaf, "Maafkan saya, bukan maksud saya mahu melakukan segala kejahatan ini. Namun apakan daya, ini sahaja caranya yang saya tahu bagi mencari sesuap makanan."

     "Bukankah rahmat Allah itu meliputi sekalian alam. Apakah hanya melakukan kerja ini kamu beroleh rezekinya? Sedarkah kamu ulat di dalam batu juga mampu hidup hanya kerana izin Allah. Inikan pula kamu yang diberi akal oleh Allah bagi berusaha dan boleh membuat pilihan. Sesungguhnya pilihan itu di tangan kita. Kita yang memilih bagi mendapatkan keredaan Allah ataupun sebaliknya." Panjang huraian Rabiah kepada lelaki itu.

     "Apakah masih punya ruang untuk orang sepertiku bertaubat? Layakkah kasih dan sayang Allah kepada diriku?"

     Rabiah memandang lelaki itu lalu bertanya, "Pernahkah kamu melihat seluruh tanah daratan dan isinya?"

     "Tidak," jawab lelaki itu.

     "Bagaimana dengan seluruh lautan dan isinya?" soal Rabiah.

     "Juga tidak," jawab lelaki itu lagi.

     "Sekiranya kamu mahu, apakah kamu mampu menghitung jumlahnya?"

     "Mana mungkin." Lelaki itu menjawab.

     "Maka ketahuilah olehmu, keampunan Allah kepada hambanya melebihi segala yang ada di muka bumi dan isinya, malah segala yang di laut dan isinya."

     Sang pemancar sinar sudah tidak menyuluhkan cahayanya, namun Rabiah masih belum terjual. Sedangkan hamba-hamba yang lainnya sudah lama dibeli orang. Namun dia tetap sabar dan reda. Mulutnya tanpa lenguh mengucapkan zikir kepada Allah.

     Dia mahu setiap detik dan saat menyebut dan mengingati nama Allah. Kemabukan cintanya kepada Allah hanya dapat dibuktikan dengan untaian-untaian zikir munajat yang tiada hentinya itu.

     Padahal Rabiah juga berasa risau dan runsing mengingatkan kakak-kakaknya yang tidak tahu ke mana dia menghilang dan mereka pastinya susah hati, "Kasihan kakak-kakakku, mereka tentu sangat risaukan aku. Maafkan aku... bukan aku pinta jadi begini. Ini adalah takdir Allah dan semestinya ia terbaik untuk kita."

     Sebenarnya Rabiah lebih risau sekiranya kakak-kakaknya mengalami nasib yang sama dengannya. Dia lantas berdoa kepada Allah supaya kakak-kakaknya tidak ditimpa ujian sebagaimana yang sedang menimpa dirinya.

     Tiba-tiba datang seorang lelaki gemuk bercakap-cakap dengan lelaki sindiket penculikan itu. Mereka seakan-akan berbincang sambil matanya merenung ke arah Rabiah.

     Selepas proses tawar-menawar berlaku, lelaki sindiket itu kemudiannya menghampiri Rabiah lalu berkata, "Maafkan saya, kamu sudah saya jual dengan harga enam dirham kepada lelaki gemuk yang hodoh itu. Saya rasa serba salah kerana lelaki itu kelihatannya bukan seperti orang yang baik, dia kelihatan bengis. Saya khuatir kamu...."

     "Tidak mengapa, Allah tidak selamanya menguji tanpa sebab. Saya yakin ada hikmah yang besar di sebalik apa yang berlaku. Serahkan sahaja saya kepada tuan saya itu."

     "Saya ada satu permintaan sebelum kita berpisah. Sudilah kamu doakan saya supaya berubah. Sekiranya benar saya ada peluang, saya pasti bersungguh-sungguh bertaubat dan kembali kepada Allah."

     "Allah tidak mengubah nasib seseorang itu melainkan mereka sendiri yang memulakan perubahan itu. Kamu lakukan perubahan itu, nescaya Allah lorongkan kepadamu jalan menuju cinta-Nya."

     Semasa melangkah pergi mengikuti tuan barunya, Rabiah berpaling kepada lelaki itu dan berkata, "Insya-Allah, saya doakan kamu."


Thursday, 12 November 2015



It's never easy to let go. Or is it? Most of us would agree that there are few things harder than letting go of what we love. And yet, sometimes that's exactly what we have to do. Sometimes we love things that we can't have. Sometimes we want things that are not good for us. And sometimes we love what Allah does not love. To let go of these things is hard. Giving up something the heart adores is one of the hardest battles we ever have to fight.

But what if it didn't have to be such a battle? What if it didn't have to be so hard? Could there ever be an easy way to let go of an attachment? Yes. There is.

Find something better.

They say you don't get over someone until you find someone or something better. As humans, we don't deal well with emptiness. Any empty space must be filled. Immediately. The pain of emptiness is too strong. It compels the victim to fill that place. A single moment with an empty spot causes excruciating pain. That's why we run from distraction to distraction, and from attachment to attachment.

In the quest to free the heart, we speak a lot about breaking our false dependencies. But then there's always the question of 'how'? Once a false attachment has been developed, how do we break free? Often it feels too hard. We get addicted to things, and can't seem to let them go. Even when they hurt us. Even when they damage our lives and our bond with God. Even when they are so unhealthy for us. We just can't let them go. We are too dependent on them. We love them too much and in the wrong way. They fill something inside of us that we think we need... that we think we can't live without. And so, even when we struggle to give them up, we often abandon the struggle because it's too hard.

Why does that happen? Why do we have so much trouble sacrificing what we love for what God loves? Why can't we just let go of things? I think we struggle so much with letting go of what we love, because we haven't founded something we love more to replace it.

When a child falls in love with a toy car, he becomes consumed with that love. But what if he can't have the car? What if he has to walk by the store every day, and see the toy he can't have? Every time he walks by, he would feel pain. And he may even struggle not to steal it. Yet, what if the child looks past the store window and sees a Real car? What if he sees the Real Ferrari? Would be still struggle with his desires for the toy? Would he still have to fight the urge to steal it? Or would he be able to walk right past the toy---the disparity in greatness annihilating the struggle?

We want love. We want money. We want status. We want this life. And like that child, we too become consumed with these loves. So when we can't have those things, we are that child in a store, struggling not to steal them. We are struggling not to commit haram for the sake of what we love. We are struggling to let go of the haram relationships, business dealing, actions, dress. We are struggling to let go of the love of this life. We are the stumbling servant struggling to let go of the toy... because it's all we see.

This whole life and everything in it is like that toy car. We can't let go of it because we haven't found something greater. We don't see the Real thing. The Real version. The Real model.

Allah (SWT) says:
"What is the life of this world but amusement and play? But verily the Home in the Hereafter-that is life indeed, if they but knew." (Qur'an, 29:64)

When describing this life, Allah uses the Arabic word for 'life'. But, when describing the next life, Allah here uses the highly exaggerated term for life. The next life is the Real life. The Realer life. The Real version. And then Allah ends the ayah by saying "If they but knew". If we could see the Real thing, we could get over our deep love for the lesser, fake model.

In another ayah, God says:
"But you prefer the worldly life, while the Hereafter is better and more enduring." (Qur'an, 87:16-17)

The Real version is better in quality and better in quantity. No matter how great what we love in this life is, it will always have some deficiency, in both quality (imperfections) and quantity (temporary).

This is not to say that we cannot have or even love things of this life. As believers, we are told to ask for good in this life and the next. But it is like the toy car and the real car. While we could have or even enjoy the toy car, we realize the difference. We understand fully that there is a lesser model (dunya: coming from the root word 'daniya', meaning 'lower') and there is the Real model (hereafter).

But how does that realization help us in this life? It helps because it makes the 'struggle' to follow the halal, and refrain from the haram easier. The more we can see the Real thing, the easier it becomes to give up the 'unreal'---when necessary. That does not mean we have to give up the 'unreal' completely, or all the time. Rather it makes our relationship with the lesser model (dunya) one in which if and when we are asked to give something up for the sake of what is Real, it is no longer difficult. If we are asked to refrain from a prohibition that we want, it becomes easier. If we are asked to be firm in a commandment that we don't want, it becomes easier. We become the matured child who likes to have the toy, but if ever asked to choose between the toy and the Real thing, see a 'no-brainer'. For example, many of the Prophet's (SAW) companions had wealth. But when the time came, they could easily give half or all of it for Allah's sake.

This focus also transforms what we petition for help or approval. If we're in desperate need of something, we will appeal to the servant---only when we don't see or know the King. But if we're on our way to meet that King and we run into His servant, we may greet the servant, be kind to the servant, even love the servant. Yet we will not waste time trying to impress the servant, when there is a King to impress. We will never waster effort appealing to the servant for our need, while the King is the One in control. Even if the King had given some authority to the servant, we'd know very well that the power to give and take rest ultimately with the King---and the King alone. This knowledge comes only from knowing and seeing the King. And this knowledge completely transforms how we interact with the servant.

Seeing the Real thing transforms the way we love. Ibn Taymiyyah (RA) discussed this concept when he said: "If your heart is enslaved by someone who is forbidden for him: One of the main causes for the miserable situation is turning away from Allah, for once the heart has tasted worship of Allah and sincerity towards Him, nothing will be sweeter to it than that, nothing will be more delightful or more precious. No one leaves his beloved except for another one he loves more, or for fear of something else. The heart will give up corrupt love in favor of true love, or for fear of harm."

One of our greatest problems as an ummah is as the Prophet (SAW) told us in a hadith: wahn (love of dunya and hatred of death). We've fallen in love with dunya. And anytime you are in love, it becomes next to impossible to get over that love or separate from it---until you are able to fall in love with something greater. It is next to impossible to dislodge this destructive love of dunya from our hearts, until we find something greater to replace it. Having found a greater love, it becomes easy to get over another one. When the love of God, His messenger and the Home with Him is really seen, it overpowers and dominates any other love in the heart. The more that love is seen, the more dominate it becomes. And thereby the easier it will be to really actualize the statement of Ibraheem (AS):
"Say, 'Indeed, my prayer, my service of sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah, Lord of the worlds.'" (Qur'an, 6:162)

So in letting go, the answer lies in love. Fall in love. Fall in love with something greater. Fall in love with the Real thing. See the Mansion.

Only then, we will stop playing in the dollhouse.


Wednesday, 11 November 2015



Kini kota Basrah dan kawasan sekelilingnya dilanda kemarau yang dasyat. Segala tanaman dan tumbuh-tumbuhan tidak menjadi, malah yang sudah tumbuh subur juga layu mati. Air yang menjadi sumber utama juga mengering dan sukar didapati. Kemarau ini juga menyebabkan perubahan akhlak yang drastik dalam masyarakat Basrah. Suasana yang dahulunya aman tenteram kini menjadi kacau bilau.

     Basrah yang menjadi tempat berkumpulnya ulama-ulama sufi dan orang soleh lagi warak itu bertukar wajar. Penduduk Basrah yang dahulunya mengamalkan sikap berkasih sayang dan hormat menghormati kini lebih mementing diri sendiri, lebih daripada segala-galanya. Bahkan ada antara mereka yang sanggup mengkhianati saudara sendiri hanya kerana sekeping roti.

     Seorang saudagar besar di Basrah berkata kepada pembantu-pembantunya sambil meninjau keadaan di dalam gudang simpanan miliknya. "Nampaknya bekalan yang kita ada mampu bertahan hingga beberapa tahun lagi. Inilah masanya kita mengaut keuntungan berlipat kali ganda dengan menaikkan harga jualan barangan kita."

     Pembantu saudagar itu pula berkata, "Tuan, apakah wajar kita bertindak demikian? Bukankah berdosa sekiranya kita mengambil kesempatan tatkala orang ramai memerlukan? Kita zalim sekiranya menindas orang yang dalam kesempitan."

     Saudagar itu naik berang mendengar kata-kata pembantunya itu lalu dia memandang pembantunya dengan mata merah menyala. "Kamu tahu apa? Bertahun-tahun aku bersusah payah mengumpulakan semua hasil ini, apakah sekarang aku tidak boleh mendapat sedikit untung? Lagipun seluruh penduduk Basrah memerlukan makanan ini. Sekiranya mereka tidak mahu membeli daripada kita, dapatkan sahaja daripada orang lain."

     Pembantu saudagar yang lainnnya kembali menyampuk sambil menepuk-nepuk bahu tuannya lalu berkata, "Betul kata tuan, saya juga berpendapat begitu. Kita naikkan sahaja harga barangan kita ini. Sudah menjadi adat berniaga sekiranya permintaan meningkat dan barang berkurangan, harga yang ditawarkan juga meningkat, dengan itu keuntungan kita juga meningkat berlipat kali ganda."

     "Bagus, kamu memang bijak."

     "Tuan lebih bijak kerana berfikiran begitu, malah mendahului kami semua."

     "Kita hanya menaikkan harga barang dagangan yang sememangnya hak kita. Kita bukan merompak ataupun menyamun, jauh lagi mencuri. Saya berpendapat tidak salah sekiranya kita naikkan harga bagi mendapatkan lebih keuntungan. Sekiranya dibandingkan dengan sindiket penjualan hamba yang berleluasa sekarang, kita ini tidak ada apa-apa keburukan berbanding mereka," kata saudagar itu cuba menegakkan kebatilannya kerana nafsu sudah menguasai dirinya.

     "Mereka lebih zalim kerana menculik anak-anak kecil lalu dilelong dengan sebarang harga. Mereka lebih dulu perlu dihukum, sedangkan kita hanya berniaga," tambah pembantu kedua-dua saudagar itu.

     "Sudah, dengar arahanku ini." Saudagar memanggil kesemua anak buahnya, lalu berdiri di atas tempat yang lebih tinggi dan berucap, "Mulai hari ini, harga barangan kita dinaikkan sebanyak dua ratus peratus. Jangan ada yang berani memberikan potongan harga ataupun melebihkan timbangan. Kita sekarang berada dalam musim kemarau yang panjang. Selain makanan dan minuman yang susah didapati, pekerjaan juga semakin kurang. Sekiranya kamu semua tetap mahu makan gaji dengan saya, patuhi arahan saya ini."

     Pembantu saudagar pertama tadi hanya mampu mendiamkan diri. Dia tidak lagi berani membantah kerana takut kehilangan kerjanya, namun hati kecilnya tetap rasa bersalah. "Ya Allah, ampunkan dosaku ini. Sekiranya ini bukan darurat, nescaya aku mencari pekerjaan lain yang halal, namun apa dayaku ya Allah." Lelaki itu terus berdoa dalam hati, mukanya kelihatan sangat sedih. Dia terperangkap dan tidak mampu pula menguraikan perangkap ujian itu.

     Di rumah Rabiah, kakak-kakaknya sedang bermesyuarat bagi mencari penyelesaian kepada masalah semasa itu. Bahang kemelaratan akibat kemarau itu amat dirasai. Tambahan pula mereka berempat memang tiada sumber pendapatan yang tetap.

     "Adik-adikku, kita perlu berikhtiar dan berusaha melakukan sesuatu ataupun kita akan mati kelaparan." Kakak sulung mereka memulakan bicara.

     "Semasa ayah hidup, kita semua hanya bergantung padanya. Kini ayah mahupun ibu sudah tiada, sudah sampai masanya kita semua berdiri di atas kaki sendiri." Kakak Rabiah yang kedua menyambung lagi, "Apakah cadangan kamu semua?"

     Sepi seketika, masing-masing memerah idea supaya dapat dikemukakan. Kakak ketiga Rabiah yang dari tadi asyik merenung jauh melalui jendela pondok tiba-tibanya bersuara. "Bagaimana sekiranya kita semua cuba keluar ke bandar dan bertanyakan sekiranya ada sesiapa yang bermurah hati sanggup mengupah kita bekerja. Lagipun kita semua sudah dewasa dan berupaya menjaga diri sendiri."

     "Nampaknya itu sahaja usaha bagi kita mendapatkan sesuap rezeki. Bagaimana pula adik kita Rabiah? Adakah dia juga perlu mengikut kita?" tanya kakak kedua Rabiah.

     "Kita bawa sahaja, sekiranya ditinggalkan di rumah ini, kita tidak dapat menjaganya nanti. Risau sekiranya ada perkara yang tidak diingini berlaku," jawab kakak sulung Rabiah pula.

     "Bagaimana pendapatmu, adikku?" tanya kakak ketiga Rabiah.

     "Saya hanya mengikut kakak sekalian. Yang penting kita tidak meminta-minta tanpa berusaha terlebih dahulu kerana kita bukan peminta sedekah. Ayah kita sekalipun terdesak bagi mendapatkan sesuapa rezeki untuk kita semua, tidak pernah meminta-minta. Hanya ketika ayah diminta sendiri oleh Rasulullah melalui mimpinya, barulah ayah pergi menghadap Raja Basrah." Jawapan Rabiah itu menggembirakan kakak-kakaknya.

     Mereka berempat keluar menuju ke bandar sambil singgah di rumah-rumah yang ditemui di sepanjang jalan dengan harapan sekiranya ada insan yang bermurah hati sudi mengupah mereka. Namun jangkaan mereka tersasar. Kemarau yang panjang itu menyebabkan semua orang berjimat cermat ataupun lebih tepat menjadi bakhil dan kedekut.

     "Maafkan pak cik, di sini tiada kerja yang boleh kamu lakukan kerana kami sendiri pun susah sekarang. Tanaman dan hasil kebun ini habis mati. Ambillah sedikit buah ini bagi mengalas perut kamu semua. Ini sahaja yang mampu saya bantu," kata seorang pemilik ladang yang masih punya belas ihsan itu.

     Pak cik itu lantas berpesan, "Janganlah kamu merayau hingga ke malam kerana keadaan di Basrah sekarang ini amat ternoda dengan kezaliman dan dosa manusia. Pak cik khuatir kamu semua menjadi mangsa kepada binatang-binatang yang bertopengkan manusia itu."

     Dia sebenarnya amat kasihan kepada empat beradik itu, namun apakan daya keadaan darurat yang melanda waktu itu menyebabkan dia sendiri tidak mampu membantu mereka.

     Di sebuah ladang kurma yang mereka singgah, mereka ditengking dengan kasar. "Pergi kamu semua dari sini! Apakah kamu sudah buta? Tanaman di ladang ini sudah hampir semuanya mati, apakah kamu masih beranggapan saya memerlukan pekerja?"

     Diherdik demikian rupa pun tidak mematahkan semangat kakak-kakak Rabiah. Mereka terus mencari pekerjaan hingga lewat petang. Namun semuanya hampa.

     "Mari kita pulang, cukuplah untuk hari ini. Lagipun Allah sudah kurniakan sedikit rezeki daripada pak cik tadi. Kita sudah menjamah rezeki walaupun sedikit, mungkin ada ramai lagi yang hanya mengisi perut mereka dengan angin sahaja pada hari ini." Rabiah cuba memujuk kakak-kakaknya.

     "Benar sekali kata Rabiah. Bukankah pak cik tadi ada berpesan kepada kita supaya pulang sebelum malam menjengah." Kakak ketiga Rabiah mengingatkan. Dia risau mengingatkan kejadian rogol, samun dan rompak yang kian berleluasa pada musim kemarau ini.

     "Sesungguhnya manusia ini amat nipis sabarnya. Kita bukan sahaja dilanda kemarau panas tetapi juga dibantai kemarau iman." Rabiah mengeluh. "Apakah mereka tidak tahu yang ganjaran sabar pada ujian Allah adalah kecintaan daripada Allah. Apakah ada perkara yang lebih penting dan indah selain rasa cinta dan kasih daripada Allah."

     Mereka berempat segera pulang ke pondok usang pusaka ayah mereka, sambil mulut masing-masing terus-menerus berzikir kepada Allah.

     "Bersabarlah, sesungguhnya Allah bersama orang yang sabar." Rabiah teringat pada maksud ayat Quran yang menuntut manusia supaya bersabar dengan setiap ujian dan dugaan daripada Allah.


Tuesday, 10 November 2015



And so there are some who spend their whole lives seeking. Sometimes giving, sometimes taking. Sometimes chasing, but often, just waiting. They believe that love is a place that you get to: a destination at the end of a long road. And they can't wait for that road to end at their destination. They are those hearts moved by the movement of hearts. Those hopeless romantics, the sucker for a love story, or any sincere expression of true devotion. For them, the search is almost a lifelong obsession of sort. But, this tragic 'quest' can have its costs---and its gift.

The path of expectations and the 'falling in love with love' is a painful one, but it can bring its own lessons. Lessons about the nature of love, this world, people, and one's own heart, can pave this often painful path. Most of all, this path can bring its own lessons about the Creator of love.

Those who take this route will often reach the knowledge that the human love they seek was not the destination. Some form of that human love, can be a gift. It can be a means, but the moment you make it the End, you will fall. And you will live your whole life with the wrong focus. You will become willing to sacrifice the Goal for the sake of the means. You will give your life to reaching a 'destination' of worldly perfection that does not exist.

And the one, who runs after a mirage, never gets there; but keeps running. And so too will you keep running, and be willing to lose sleep, cry, bleed, and sacrifice precious parts of yourself---at times, even your own dignity. You'll never reach what you're looking for in this life, because what you seek isn't a worldly destination. The type of perfection you seek cannot be found in the material world. It can only be found in God.

That image of human love that you seek is an illusion in the desert of life. So if that is what you seek, you'll keep chasing. But no matter how close you get to a mirage, you never touch it. You don't own an image. You can't hold a creation of your own mind.

Yet, you will give your whole life, still, to reaching this 'place'. You do this because in the fairy tale, that's where the story ends. It ends at the finding, the joining, and the wedding. It is found at the oneness of two souls. And everyone around you will make you think that your path ends there: at the place where you meet your soul mate, your other half---at the point in the path where you get married. Then and only then, they tell you, will you ever finally be complete. This, of course, is a lie because completion cannot be found in anything other than God.

Yet the lesson you've been taught since the time you we little---from every story, every song, every movie, every ad, every well-meaning auntie---is that you aren't complete otherwise. And if---God forbid---you are one of the 'outcasts' who haven't gotten married, or have been divorced, you are considered deficient or incomplete in some way.

The lesson you're taught is that the story ends at the wedding, and then that's when Jennah (paradise) begins. That's when you'll be saved and completed and everything that was once broken will be fixed. The only problem is, that's not where the story ends. That's where it begins. That's where the building starts: the building of a life, the building of your character, the building of sabr, patience, perseverance, and sacrifice. The building of selflessness. The building of love.

And the building of your path back to Him.

However if the person you marry becomes your ultimate focus in life, your struggle has just begun. Now your spouse will become your greatest test. Until you remove that person from the place in your heart that only God should be, it will keep hurting. Ironically, your spouse will become the tool for this painful extraction process, until you learn that there are places in the human heart made only by---and for---God.

Among the other lessons you may learn along this path---after a long road of loss, gain, failure, success, and so many mistakes---is that there are at at least 2 types of love. There will be some people you love because of what you get from them: what they give you, the way they make you feel. This is perhaps the majority of love---which is also what makes much of love so unstable. A person's capacity to give is inconstant and changing. Your response to what you are given is also inconstant and changing. So if you're chasing a feeling, you'll always be chasing. No feeling is ever constant. If love is dependent on this, it too becomes inconstant and changing. And just like everything in this world, the more you chase it, the more it will run away from you.

But, once in a while, people enter your life that you love---not for what they give you---but for what they are. The beauty you see in them is a reflection of the Creator, so you love them. Now suddenly it isn't about what you're getting, but rather what you can give. This is unselfish love. This second type of love is the rarest. And if it based in, and not competing with, the love of God, it will also bring about the most joy. To love in any other way is to need, to be dependent, to have expectations---all the ingredients for misery and disappointment.

So for all those who have spent their life seeking, know that purity of any thing is found at the Source. If it is love that you seek, seek it through God. Every other stream, not based in His love, poisons the one who drinks from it. And the drinker will continue to drink, until the poison all but kills him. He will continue to die more and more inside, until he stops and finds the pure Source of water.

Once you begin to see everything beautiful as only a reflection of God's beauty, you will learn to love in the right way: for His sake. Everything and everyone you love will be for, through and because of Him. The foundation of such love is God. So what you hold onto will no longer be just an unstable feeling, a fleeting emotion. And what you chase will no longer be just a temporary high. What you hold, what you chase, what you love, will be God: the only thing stable and constant. Thereafter, everything else will be through Him. Everything you give or take or love or don't love, will be by Him. Not by your nafs. It will be for Him. Not for your nafs.

This means you will love what He loves and not love what He does not love. And when you do love, you will give to the creation---not for what you can get in return from them. You will love and you will give, but you will be sufficed from Him. And the one, who is sufficed by God, is the richest and most generous of all lovers. Your love will be by Him, for Him, and because of Him. That is the liberation of the self from servitude to any created thing. And that is freedom. That is happiness.

That is love.